Friday, May 11, 2012


This past week, Josh and I traveled with a team to Nicaragua on a Vision Mission trip.  We were able to witness first-hand some of the amazing work that God is doing in and through the local churches there.  We took health assessments to measure the base line malnourishment level of children at a new feeding center being opened.

We came back with hearts full of the economic injustice throughout the world...and also hearts filled with hope for the work that is already being done and will continue to be done.

We brought with us lavame clean all-natural soap to be used at the orphanages for the children.
There is a dedicated organization, ORPHANetwork, that is backing local churches in Nicaragua to help eradicate malnutrition within the country.  Their method?  To do this through the work of Nicaraguans helping Nicaraguans.  By employing these means, true and lasting change can occur.

ORPHANetwork seeks out leaders and pastors in Nicaragua who are already "giving their guts" as they like to say, and then get behind them and back that leader's vision.  It is truly a worthy vision.

The country is only the about the size of the state of New York.

This is totally possible, people

You know what I love about these people?  They aren't afraid to open their eyes and see the enemy clearly. They have driven a stake in the ground and are rushing full-force ahead into the battle.  With great gusto and with unabashed determination they have said, "Enough."  

And the very best part of all of this?  They do it all in Jesus' name, the only One to whom all power, authority and glory belong forever and ever.

"For nothing is impossible with God."  (Luke 1:37)

Enjoy today,

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