In a sudden rush they pour in; tanned faces with beautiful large brown eyes examining us. It is clear they wonder who we are and why we are there.
We work our way through the line, smiling, calling out "Hola!" And "Quantos anos tienes tu?" We grasp their hands and gently hug their frames. They give us tentative high-fives in return.
The group of children had arrived at the local church initiative in Nicaragua with ORPHANetwork to receive perhaps their one meal for that day. Some had eyes that were wide and hopeful. Others seemed skittish, as if they might turn and run at any moment. Still others were hardened.
The eyes that broke me though? The empty ones.
We grabbed trays and headed to the nearest table to collect the bowls each child had brought with them. Returning from the kitchen with previously empty bowls filled to the brim with a nourishing meal, we were guided in matching bowls to owners and placed them gently in front of the eager recipients. The children took it from there, making quick work of their generous meal.
Walking into the building these children embodied hunger, poverty and need. And then they sat at the table. And there, by the grace of God, they were filled. Hungry they came, and full they left.
We come every day to God's divine table of grace. Each day we come to Him alone for this meal complete with full nourishment and sustenance. We often find Him at a local church initiative; a soul-feeding center. His people are there day in and day out; serving, loving and pouring themselves out. We are the embodiment of hunger, poverty and need. Our souls are desperately needy for a God who fills our hunger and satisfies our thirst.
This day, we stand in line with our bowls. Jesus heads straight for you. Why? You are special enough that He would leave His home and travel to you, His child. He smiles His welcome to you, squats down on your level, and lovingly whispers His greeting to you. He fills your bowl to the tip-top with His grace and gently sets it before you.
You can come back day after day after day.
We are all desperately hungry for grace. There is a place, a beautiful place, where it flows freely without end. Receive it. Let it fill your poverty-stricken places. And then give it. Again and again and again. Day after day after day.
"You know the generous grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor; so that by His poverty He could make you rich." (2 Corinthians 8:9)
Enjoy Today,
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I'm kind of a lurker, but I LOVE what you do and I really love this post. I'm headed to Kenya this summer for a month and even though Nicaragua is on a completely different continent, I have no doubt that we will come across starved souls as well. Love the picture of God coming to our starved souls as well. Such a neat picture :)
Hannah ~ Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. So good to hear from you! Lurk away :), and feel free to keep hopping in at anytime! I will be praying that the Lord will bear much fruit from your service and sacrifices for Him during your time in Kenya. May you stay rooted and grounded in His word, and may His Holy Spirit fall mightily upon you. Love and blessings ~ Wendy