Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Worth A Thousand Words

Beauty on my kitchen counter

I believe in natural beauty.  I believe in doing things the way God, through His creation of nature, intended. 

And that is why I believe in all-natural handmade soap.  

All natural goodness, swirled together to create sheer beauty.

Average commerically-processed bar of soap
Bricks of soap resting on my countertop definitely call to my primal instincts; that basic part of my soul that loves to wiggle my toes down into the green grass, scoop a handful of rich black soil to my nose and deeply inhale while gardening or stare long at the twinkling stars in the expanse of night sky.

For me, I choose beauty.  I choose the open expanses and the stuff of nature; perhaps even a bit of the wild and untamed.  

Enjoy today,

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