There was a moment this early afternoon when I looked at Josh as forlorn as a lost puppy dog and shared, "Life is hard without the bean."
The coffee bean that is. I seriously considered grinding up a handful of our dark, rich Colombian coffee beans in our evening smoothie, but I refrained. Not because I was frightened of the taste or result, but simply because I've made a resolve to go coffee-free this month.
I didn't realize until early this morning when I smelled that sweet aroma brewing in my kitchen that Josh hadn't made that same resolution. There was a brief heated moment as I flew into the kitchen and there we met, eyeball to eyeball, challenge evident in both of our eyes.
His grip firmly planted on the handle of his ceramic mug, steam rising, he attempted to speak as if nothing was awry.
My gaze didn't waver.
"Oh. This." He looked down casually at his cup.
I nodded.
"Babe. I didn't say I wasn't going to have coffee. You said that. We're doing just smoothies, but I am not giving up my coffee."
And that was that. Because sometimes a wrench is thrown in your plans and you have the choice in that moment to jump ship or just roll with it.
I turned and made our first smoothie.
With breakfast taken care of and the kitchen tidied, we all headed out to enjoy a walk in some nearby woods. The air was crisp, the children climbed and explored, and the dog ran free. A beautiful walk, indeed.
There is nothing like a good walk in the woods in fresh terrain, and we hope to be doing plenty more of that this year!
And so, that wraps up day one of our newest adventure.
What about you? Have you set any new goals or resolutions? I'd love to hear about them! And if you're finding these first days to be difficult ones, press on! The first days of a brand new habit are often the hardest. It will get brighter on the other side as you adjust to new patterns and adopt new paths.
First and foremost, commit your plans to the Lord. He will help you and grant you the strength you need. He is always trustworthy to help you in times of trouble and weakness.
"Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God." (Psalm 20:7)
Enjoy today,
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Did you get a headache from abstaining from coffee?
Yes. Complete and total headache. No more, though!