Saturday, June 29, 2013

Six Tips For Getting The Most Out Of Summer

The summer action is running full-throttle around here, and I'm guessing that things are probably similar in your neck of the woods.  We love summertime here at 

Summer is one of my favorite seasons of the year.  Disclaimer:  If you have known me for any length of time at all, you know by now that I say that about every season.  Ha!  In any case, I am a big fan of the heat, the sunshine and garden goodness explosion; and most of all, of the many opportunities to get together with friends and family.  Love.  It.

That said, it is of extreme importance that we remember to take care of ourselves during busy seasons.  It is oh so easy to become overwhelmed and exhausted to the point of sickness.  Here are a few quick tips to staying at the top of your game in the summertime:

1.  Get a good night's sleep.  Put yourself to bed at a decent hour and rise at an equally decent hour.  Don't let yourself become run-down by skipping out on the rest your body needs to recover each night.

2.  Rise early and meet with the Lord.  Nothing starts the day off right like humbling yourself before your Creator first thing in the morning and fixing your eyes on Him.  Ask the Lord to forgive your sins and purify your heart; and again place every ounce of your belief in Him for the day.  He is enough for each day.

3.  Fuel your body with good things.  Fresh fruits and veggies abound this time of year in the farmer's markets and at roadside stands.  Stock up once or twice a week when you pass by and keep them handy in your fridge.

4.  Keep up your exercise regimen.  It's hot.  That's a fact.  But you're going to feel much better when it's crazy hot knowing you've been moving your body to stay healthy each day and feeling your muscles firm up.

5.  Laugh.  Heartily.  Often.

6.  Take a break!  This is, after all, what summer is famous for.  Slip your sandals off, wiggle your toes in the water and breathe.  

Enjoy today,

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