Thursday, October 17, 2013

Autumn Deep Cleaning Party!!!

1.  First things first.  Today's Autumn Deep Cleaning Party is fully underway.  Posts updating our progress here will be fast and furious, but come they will. 

So, what do we do first when getting ready to scrub it all down?  The fundamentals, of course.  We nourish our souls {top priority} while nourishing our body.  A chapter out of the book of Proverbs and prayer time, with coffee and whole wheat oatmeal breakfast bars.  Fuel for the day.

2.  Set our helpers to work.  The children are all outside helping their daddy prep the yard for lawn mowing.  Freshly ground whole wheat bread ingredients are in the bread machine for our lunchtime sandwiches.  I saved our extras from our plates at last night's church fellowship dinner and will chop up that chicken for chicken salad sandwiches.  The slow cooker is filled with meat and veggies for dinner tonight.   

The more we plan ahead with our meals on cleaning day ~ the less we have to stop and prep and think through.  Keeping our bodies filled with nutrient-rich foods means we have the energy to accomplish our necessary tasks and also helps us all to stay cheerful!

3.  Daily Morning Routine.  Before the true deep cleaning kicks in, I quickly knock out this list each morning.  It sets the rhythm of our days here.  I have this list inside a sheet protector in a binder and cross them off with my dry erase marker as I go. 

4.  Of course, can't forget the music!  We pump out the worship music around here as we clean and invite God to fill our hearts with His presence.  We love the Passion worship station found on Pandora.

So, get ready, get set, GO!  What are you waiting for?!  Let's get cleaning!

Enjoy today,

P.S. You are welcome here! Thank you for stopping by for a visit. Feel free to join the conversation by leaving a comment and sharing your thoughts.

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