Monday, January 21, 2013

Adventures In Green {Smoothies}: Day 21

This morning's smoothie was a delight.  Spinach, bananas, frozen raspberries and one grapefruit.  Yum-o!

 I woke up with a pep in my step today, deciding to choose cheerfulness.  In fact, I have begun reciting something new all the day long:  "Food is not my master."  "Food is not my master."  "Food is not my master."  This is usually followed by a prayer to the Lord, again acknowledging Him as my one Master. 

Sounds simple enough; sure.  But when the tummy growls loud and there is food all about, sometimes you have to say something nice and loud and clear to remind yourself what is what. 

In other news, my daughter broke in her Easy Bake Oven today.  She was patiently waiting out of respect for our smoothie cleanse (her own decree); but when she asked in her sweet voice today to bake her mini-chocolate chip cookies,  I just couldn't deny her.  So bake she did.  And I hear they were scrumptious.

How are your resolutions going?  Keep at them and don't give up!  You will be so happy you did.

Enjoy today,


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