Saturday, January 26, 2013

Adventures In Green {Smoothies}: Day 26

Today was quite a busy day!  We were blessed to participate in an Eagle Scout award ceremony for a dear friend, attended our son's basketball game, and then I topped it all off with making soap.  I love a good full day; especially during the month of smoothies.  A busy schedule helps to keep my mind off of the lack of a plate of food.

This afternoon I had an epiphany.  Are you ready?

When the month is finished, we will have sucked down a total of 93 smoothies each.  93.

We have 15 left.  Did you catch that?  Fifteen!

And so, I'm going to end the day with that beautiful number.  I have stories to share, but they will have to wait for another day when my brain has had a bit of sleep and is ready to tell the tales.  Many blessings to you and yours, dear friends, and may tomorrow morning find you in the warm company of Christian believers raising your heart and voice in worship to your Creator.

Enjoy today,

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